Multiple Port Vacuum Bedding Transport System


Multiple Port Vacuum Bedding Transport System for Transporting Laboratory Animal Bedding from Storage to More than One Bedding Dispenser

The MP-VBTS is a computer controlled, multi-station Vacuum Bedding Transfer System that automatically transports laboratory animal bedding from a remote bedding storage area to multiple bedding dispensers via stainless steel transport tubing. With proven lift to 8 stories, the MP-VBTS is ideal for paper pulp, paper chip, cob, wood chip, and for defined habitat-type laboratory animal bedding.

Clean bedding is discharged from the system into multiple new or existing bedding dispensers at ambient (room) pressure. The bedding continues to be conveyed until the sensor set point (full) is reached, the bulk discharger then stops, but the vacuum conveyor continues (for a fixed period of time), purging the transport tubing of all remaining bedding.

  • 208-230/460V, 60 Hz, 3φ, 30/15 Amps 120V, 60Hz, 1φ, 15 Amps
  • Cat 6 communication cable to bedding storage area
  • Ergonomic Enhancements – Improved productivity and reduced exposure to MSD injuries and hazardous materials.
  • Removes Dust and Allergens – Fully contained, vacuum air carries away the dust and allergens. The vacuum air is cleaned by multiple filtration steps, including membrane pocket filter and optional HEPA filter, leaving the work area and exhaust air uncontaminated.
  • Energy Efficient – The ISO 9000 manufactured separating valve permits conveying, requiring 1/10th the energy compared to dilute phase to move equivalent amounts of material. Fully documented by empirical tests and published data.
  • Optimal Operation – Maintains the maximum amounts of bedding at multiple bedding dispensers of any type, eliminating the need for manual transportation.
  • High Efficiency and Capacity – Uses 1/10th the power of comparable systems: conveying capacity 1.5 cu meters/hr (2cu yd. /hr).
  • Low Noise – Produces less than 70db @ 2' (cabinet)
  • Fast Installation and Easy Retrofit – The MPVBTS houses all the components required for the system to work, (separating valve, blower motor, filtration cabinet, microcomputer, and all associated wiring). Simply connect them to the bedding dispensers and plug them in. Being self-contained they can be used in locations with restrictive room; they share the footprint of the bedding dispensers. In addition no additional facility design is required.